Your Next Adventure Awaits You in Peru Birds
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Tour Overview in
Bird Jungle Peru Central
Explore Central Peru’s Avian Paradise -Bird Jungle Peru Central .
Venture into the heart of the Peruvian jungle and uncover a realm teeming with exotic bird species. Central Peru’s lush jungles offer a haven for bird enthusiasts, where vibrant toucans, elusive parrots, and majestic eagles grace the treetops. Join us on a birdwatching journey through this verdant landscape, where every rustle of leaves could reveal a new avian wonder. Tambopata Birding Tours
Bird Jungle Peru Central
It is a park of a variety of birds within the central peru with endangered by the name Jungle Peru.
TINGO MARIA – NATIONAL PARK -Bird Jungle Peru Central
A robust breeding banded owl belly (Pulsatrix melanota) grows protected i Tingo María.
Protect the chain of mountains known as Sleeping Beauty, the Cave of the Owls and the colony of
guácharos (Seatomis caripensis) housing. Protect wildlife and ecosystems of high jungle of manu.
Protect threatened or endangered species and the headwaters of rivers and streams for the benefit of
the local population species. Keep befeza landscape of mountains.
The mountain range forms Sleeping Beauty almost the entire park, giving a steep and rugged relief muf-
with the exception of some small terraces with numerous streams, cascad “and springs. The Tin-go
María National Park, the second oldest delj country is covered by a characteristic man-pical very humid,
rainy and cloudy ^ of the high forest. In; highlands vegetation is scrubby densat Loaded with mossy
lichens, bromeliads and other epiphytes covering the rocky outcrops. As the forest <descends becomes
higher, appearing arboreal ferns, and associated with these, the orchids. On the lower slopes of the mountains, the forest is even higher and are common large trees.
Systems caverns or caves, as they are known locally, are more prominent in this part and due to its
special microclimate function as refuges for some species of birds, bats and arthropods.
It is also important to mention that the Park forests play a critical role in regulating the water cycle six
micro basins, rivers of Monsoon, Tres de Mayo, Santa, Colorado, Gold and Bella, all tributaries of the Huallaga, which is the eastern boundary thereof.
For its relatively easy access and proximity to the city of Tingo Maria and the Central road axis of roads
and Fernando Belaiinde the Tingo Maria National Park stands as an excellent center for environmental
education and promotion of natural and landscape areas protected, receiving more visitors every year, mostly domestic.
The north central area of the Peruvian Amazon was always a gray band, influenced by the Incas late
expansive movements, routes of Spanish colonists and the great religious reductions that characterized
other regions. The Franciscans, who finally managed to enter the area in the seventeenth century,
founded San Antonio de Tingo María and the parish of San FeSpe Tingaleses Chuncho. In the
Republican era belonged Loneto first, then Junín, later San Martin and Huanuco finally, giving a clear
picture of their border situation.
Its official foundation was in 1938, in which the engineer Enrique Pimentel took a leading part. In those
years an active state policy of expansion that was to characterize the decades starts: The high forest and
farmland source of raw material for export, such as skins and woods are considered. Also a strategic entry door to the huge Amazon plain.
Tingo María, one of the first cities to be founded under this influence, soon became outpost shaft and occupation.Bird Jungle Peru Central .
In this context and under the influence of a current conservation timidly began to appear worldwide, the early history of the creation of the Park are given. In 1940, to legislate lotizaciones, decreed book 4
lots for the future establishment of the national park in which the Cave of the Pavas be included, but in
the end, this place was out of the park. A decade later, declares a national reserve area that included the
Cave of the Owls. In 1963 the forest law, which incorporates a national park for the first time, giving
support to the creation of the first national parks of Peru, including Tingo María, was enacted in 1965.
The cave system known as the cave of owls, has a unique ecosystem which is the keystone species guacharo (Steatomis caripensis). A community of rare and endemic arthropods which feed directly or
indirectly brought by seed guacharos and waste. Arachnids, coleoteros, Chilopoda, Diplopoda,
crustaceans, fungi and bacteria thrive entreveradamente this energetic basis provided by the manu rare birds.
The Huallaga river passes peacefully, forming the eastern edge of the park in the Peru central.
The creation of the area, however, did not define limits or extensions, noting only that included two
natural formations: The mountain range known as Sleeping Beauty and the complex of caverns called
Cave of the Owls. The boundaries and final extension were resolved recently in 2000 within the Peru Central.
The most abundant species in the park are white cumala (Virola calophylla), white requia (Cuarea
sylvatica), black moena (Nectan-dra cuspidata), the sapodilla (Quarari-bea achrocalyx), the red cumala
(Iryanthera laevis) the tulpay (Clarisia racemosa), caspi lizard (Callophy-llum brasiliensis), copal (Protium opacum) moena avocado (Persea grandis), the yacushapana (Buchenavia viridiflora) and
yellow moena (Nec-tandra grandis). Among the currently rare in the high jungle, is reported. Colorado
Cedar (Ced odorata), cinchona (Cinchona officinalis, lis), white wood (Cinchona pubesc ~ y quinilla
(Manilkara surinamensis) are most abundant orchids, genus Phragmipedium a ‘which (P. besseae), the advan threatened.
Among the important species for wildlife food Tán palms; the fruits of hua (Euterpe precatoria), very
appreciated by guácharos, vulnerable state are obtained by cutting the palm p. I also are supporting:
Ungurahui (Oenocar bataua) huicungo (Astrocaryum h Cungo) huacrapona (Iriartea they delt dea)
yarina (macrocytic Phytelephas pa) and different species of palmic (Geonoma spp.).
Among the ornamental species of the genus tacan the platanillos Heli girl, beautiful and striking
infloresce das rojiamarillas. It also highlights many shrubby ferns in cloud forest, tree helech (Cyathea spp.) Manu Bird .
FAUNA Bird :
Very diverse, from microscopic organisms to all vertebrate groups except for amphibians, which have no representative in this natural system. Wildlife is an essential component in the proper functioning of
the system because it interfered herd performing an integrating be of ecological processes, many of
which depend on the stability of the faunal populations.
Several studies identified to 148 species of birds in the mangrove ecosystem, of which 23 are migratory
eight residents: A redfish {Rallus longirostris), hen mangrove (Aramides axillaris), hawks mangle (,
Buteogallus subtilis), mangle huaco -ro (Nyctanassa violaceus), bird tiger (‘Tigrisoma mexicanum), a
crab heron or white ibis (Eudodmus albus), black manglero (Mexican Quiscalus) and manglera chiroca (Dendroica petechia).
As reptiles are: pacaso (Iguana iguana) lizard (Dicro-don heterolepis) capon (Microlophus peruvianus),
snake (Coniophanes sp.) Macanche (Boa constrictoi) pallet coast (cf Bothrops barnetti)black guana (Callopistes fíavipunctatus) and sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea).
There has been the existence of various mammals: Dog Rancher (Pnxyon crancrivorus), opossum
(Didelpbis marsupialis), coastal fox .
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