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Amazon Peru
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Amazon Peru
Bird Manu National Park
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Amazon Peru
BirdWatching Tambopata
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Amazon Peru
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Amazon Peru
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Amazon Peru
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The Amazonian tours are generally immersions in rainforest birding, principally based at one or two lodges right in great habitat, usually reached by an internal flight from Lima and then by boat along the rivers.

Birds Watching Northern Peru Birding

It offers a great variety of endemic species and an incredible biological diversity, as well as spectacular landscapes from the coast to the Amazon plains.

Bird North Peru and Birding Central Peru

With more than 1,800 species registered in Peru, around 20% of the world's diversity, you will have the opportunity to walk along the Vilcanota River towards the Mandor Valley, inhabited by diverse and fascinating birds such as the Andean guan, the Inca jay, colorful tanagers, among others. You will relax enjoying the sound of the waterfalls and it will be a great option to find tanagers, humming birds or the iconic Andean cock of the rock.

Bird Peru and Manu Southern Peru

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